Thursday, 26 September 2013

Special delivery

Delivered today all the way from Australia some more bits to play with.
The head is in a poor state and because of insufficient packaging is rather poorly :-(.
The feet however might come in useful...
Now have head and feet, just need the middle bit now!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Somethings wrong cause now I can't see!

So I've been wanting to get a better set of eyes for my Tc14 and thought GT props and shapeways seemed an excellent, inexpensive option (just over £20). So I place my order at the weekend and had great communication emails from shapeways and UPS on its progress. They  arrived yesterday Thursday, less  than a week!
They are well made, stronger and fit really well. I'm definitely using this service again, easy and fast, really pleased. Photos soon of them painted and in place.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Trying on session!

So I thought I'd have a go at making a neck piece (working slowly down) and here is my efforts so far. A thin plastic sheet with silver sticky paper applied, velcro ed at the back. Taken from Mr GT 's blog.
More soon x

Sunday, 28 July 2013

From Rancho Obi Wan

Whilst viewing Steve Sansweet's collection we saw this @ CE2

Friday, 19 July 2013

It's ready!!

Just had a phone call to say 'it's ready!'
VMC Ltd have Vac Metallised my Tc14 head and it's going in the post today, and hopefully, with me by Monday!
Piccies as soon as I can xx

Monday, 15 July 2013

Ooh they've encased her in carbonite

So Saturday I posted my beloved head off to Chertsey to be Vacuum Metallised!
Just checked this morning and it's arrived!!
Hopefully it's a 5 day turn around, a little excited :-)
More soon....

Sunday, 7 July 2013

You old smoothy!

Sanding, Finer and finer paper then a rubbing compound and now I have a very smooth and shiny head!

Monday, 1 July 2013

This time you have gone too far!

So with a gap in the bad weather I was, over the weekend, able to apply 4 coats of undercoat and paint the eyes, neck bolts and antenna silver. More sanding to get rid of imperfections, lumps and bumps, then it's time to try the topcoat! VM is out atm, may have to invest an airbrush and try Gordon T's super method!
More soon x

Friday, 28 June 2013

Getting connected!

After a lot of thought, even more research I've decided to connect the head using a method simular to the screen used 3po. I've  used a small brass hook (eye?) on the face top and same connectors I used on the neck bolts. All a bit tricky but after using a little bit of Milliput was able to disguise the work done :-).
The photos make a bit more sense than my rambling!

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

A pain in the neck!

Neck bolts have been a bit of an ...... well let's keep things clean :-). Quick photo to show what I've  used to get my neck bolts connect things together. Lots more to get things perfect but fingers crossed this looks like it may work x

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

I knew all along it had to be a mistake

So in the last couple of days I've been sanding (I know!) as well as trying to fit a few things together. Neck bolts argghh! and the wonderful Gordon Tarpley neck collar (see, thank's GT). Lining everything up whilst trying it on is a nightmare! I've also done a couple more coats of undercoat. Here are the results so far :-).
More soon xx

Saturday, 22 June 2013

What have we here?

So after a day marking and dremelling out the halo, drilling out the holes for the neck bolts and antenna, I had 5 minutes spare to give the whole head a quick undercoat and this is the result!
Lots still to do!

The odds of getting this done are....

Never tell me the odds!!
2 hours done and making progress, particularly pleased that the antenna fits so well. Tea break and a biscuit then back to it!

How did we get into this mess?

So the dremelling begins. First one done, 20+ more to do!! Anyway must crack on, more soon x

Friday, 21 June 2013

Halo my master will be with you shortly

So this evening I've marked out basically where the indentations will have to go in the halo of the mask. Measuring and then checking various photo references and hopefully, now, it's ready to dremel out.... Gulp! Getting nervous as once I start... Well you know!
It's times like this I wish I had a mask with nothing needing doing other than priming and painting!
Rest now, lots to do tomorrow! :-)

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Dremel fun!

So today it's been all about sorting the back of the head. My trusted Dremel and a VERY steady hand and this is the results so far!! Oh and some sanding!
I so want to paint and start with the undercoat but I keep finding areas that need sanding or filling. Patience spose :-(

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

I wonder......?

Thinking of using this screw, bolt thingy I salvaged when breaking up some old wardrobes. They are used to join two wardrobes together. Thinking of fixing one end to the neck collar piece and the other to the resin bolt head, then hopefully it will all screw together!
What do ya think? Good idea or just stop it Sarah?

I'm not getting in there... Oh no!

Ok I couldn't resist a photo on a sunny day in the garden, let's hope the neighbours don't see!
First official test wearing has gone well :-), a bit snug and will need some padding here and there but it stays together well, even without head and neck bolts! Picked up a cheap balaclava on ebay to help keep my hair in place :-). A bit claustrophobic in there, but also lots of laughter!!
More soon :-)

Sunday, 16 June 2013

At last where have you been?

Yet another update, shaper edges and almost there with the area around the ears. Conflicting photos and reference material makes it difficult to get things spot on sometimes, but on we go....
Now have to figure how to accurately make all the markings and indentations in the halo???
Fine sanding too!